Dear parents and prospective parents,
The governing body of Hinton St George C of E Primary School is committed to providing the pupils with a rich and varied education and ensuring that each child reaches its potential. The school provides a stimulating, supportive and encouraging environment in which children can grow and develop. The pre-school is an integral part of the school and this ensures that these young children are supported in developing physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually in a way which can be built on progressively as they move through the school.
The number of pupils is comparatively small, and this enables the children to feel part of a close community. They interact well with one another and show concern for each other. The quality of their behaviour is outstanding. The children are well known to the staff, both teaching and non-teaching and this ensures that their needs are met effectively.
As governors we are proud of the standards each of the children achieve. These are higher than national and county averages. The school was judged to be “good” by Ofsted in February 2024. Since then the focus on raising standards further has been successful due to the leadership provided by the headteacher and the commitment of the staff.
The school is an important part of the village community and is supported by the community. In particular, the parents and friends’ association (PFA) provides significant financial support which enables the school to improve its facilities, its learning environment and class resources. There is a wide range of after school clubs and extended provision organised and managed by staff and external coaches . These further contribute to the rich experience the children receive.
Kind Regards
Tessa Chapman
Chair of Governors
2024-2025 Full Governing Board of Hinton St. George Church of England Primary School.
Governor attendance 2023-24