Sapling Class 2024 - 2025
Miss Swanwick
Welcome to Sapling Class: Year 3 & 4
Miss Swanwick is the Class Teacher and she is supported by Mr Best, Miss Studley-Cooper, Miss Langdon, Mrs Geddes and Ms Gray.
In class we have Termly Topics. The topics we will cover this year are: Invasions, Misty Mountain, Winding River and Ancient Civilisations.
What have we been doing recently?
As we head into Spring, we will begin our next Termly Topic: Misty Mountain, Winding River. This topic explores the characteristics and features of rivers and mountains ranges around the world, as well as the ecosystems and processes that shape them. Our Science topic, States of Matter, links closely by covering the water cycle and how solids, liquids and gases change state as they heat and cool. We are excited to explore our beautiful surroundings with our Art topic What a View! which explores how artists create landscapes. We will explore perspective, atmosphere and colour.
In Maths this half-term we will continue with multiplication and division, before moving on to length and perimeter. We will continue to recall our times tables daily in preparation for the statutory Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) at the end of Year 4.
In English, we will write atmospheric suspense stories, followed by a non-fiction 'How to assemble a tent' topic. Before the half-term break, we will also read and write poetry inspired by the work of Walter de la Mere.
Additional information:
On Wednesday afternoons, children will go swimming at the Aqua Centre in Crewkerne. Please ensure that they bring an appropriate kit.
We will continue to have P.E on Fridays.
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Sapling Class: Blog items
Fresh Food, Good Food, by Miss Swanwick
Invasions Outcome Morning, by Miss Swanwick
Making Healthy Snacks, by Miss Swanwick