01460 72653

School Office

08:30 - 16:00

Mon to Fri

‘Let your light shine’

(Matthew 5:16)

Sprout Class

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Welcome to Sprout Class: Reception,  1 & 2

Mr. Batchelor is the class teacher for Sprout class.  He is supported by Mrs Wyatt, Mrs Blunn, Miss Sharp, Miss Gentle, Miss Murrey. This year we also have Miss Hussey as trainee teacher.

Sprout class is made up of Reception children, Year 1 and Year 2 children.  We are a class who are interested in finding out more about our world and use our interest in what is happening around us to develop our knowledge and understanding.  We love learning new skills and enjoying new experiences.  We use these to make connections between our learning.

Sprout class love going on wellie walks! This time, we walked to Jubilee woods and drew maps.

As part of our dance workshop we had great fun playing moving games and learning some groovy moves!


Snow day!

In Design and Technology, we have been making model beach huts.  We carefully made frames out of cardboard and clad them using lollypop sticks.  At times it was very challenging but the children persevered and made some great models.

On World Book Day, we had a wonderful time dressing up as words! We had a parade to celebrate and explain the definitions of our chosen words. After that, the children got to chose a book which was read by an adult.

On Monday 28th February we celebrated our 100th day of the school year. As part of our celebrations, we explored what we new about the number 100.  We made crowns with 100 gems on, made necklaces with 100 (cheerio) beads, made pictures with the digits from the number 100 and predicted what the world would be like in 100 years.

We all enjoyed learning about this big number!

During RE day, we had a brilliant time, exploring spirituality and water. We looked for links between humans, planet earth and God (we are made of water, Planet Earth is made of water, God is made water). We shared some Bible stories, including the creation story and the story of Noah, and explored spirituality and water across different areas of the curriculum. These included, creating music based on how water makes us feel, art inspired by our relationship with water, stained glass windows based on conserving water, writing poems about water and how it makes us feel and how it linked us to God. We also explored our School Vision of Let Your Light Shine.

Latest Class Newsletters

What have we been doing recently?

This term children are learning about the UK. In this topic they have been learning about the geography of the different countries of the United Kingdom, as well as some of their features. They have also been learning about it’s capital city, London, and some of the different things they might find there. As part of this topic they have also been learning about the royal family and the way the government works.

Home Learning

The children enj​oyed sharing their learning from the end of their first topic for the year. They talked well about the different learning and what they have enjoyed. ​


Reading – Reception and Year 1

Reading in Reception and Year 1 is the most important aspect to home learning. Reading is not just about recognising and ‘reading’ words, it is about understanding what is being read. Reading everyday with your child will help them to develop in all aspects of their learning. When you are sharing a book with your child it is important to ask them questions about the story. For example, can they predict what the story is about from looking at the front cover? Can they say what will happen next or at the end of the story? Can they describe the characters or the story setting? Can they explain why they like/dislike the story? Who is their favourite character and why?


Both Year 1 and Year 2 children will receive a new set of spellings each week. The spellings are linked to words they are learning in their phonics. The expectations are that your child will be able to read and write the words given before a new spelling is issued.

Year 1 Homework

Year 1 children will receive an additional piece of homework that is linked to the learning your child is doing in class.

On our Science Day we explored chemical reactions, states of matter and completed a challenge to see who could make the strongest bridge.  There were some amazing efforts and some very strong bridges.  We all had a lot of fun!