Oak Class homework
Each week the children will be set a small amount of Maths, English and Spelling homework. The homework will be set on a Friday and is due back in on the following Wednesday. This should be completed in their designated homework books.
Please take time to look at the spelling rule for the week and practise the spelling homework linked to this. Spelling will be assessed on Friday and the following week’s homework will be explained afterwards. Below are some websites the children can use in and out of school to practise their spellings further:
Times tables
Year 5 and Year 6
In year 5 and 6 we continue to build our knowledge and practise our times tables as it underpins so much of the maths that we do. On Fridays we have a times table quiz where the children work their way up through increasingly hard levels. We also use TTRockstars, a website which encourages the children to improve their recall! We also have a class leader board to display our achievements, this includes teachers too! Oak Class have an excellent team mindset and are often caught coaching one another in ways to improve in their times tables.
Please see Mr Cashmore if your child has any problems logging in.
Reading continues to be one of the most important skills for children to continually practise. Children are asked to read at least 3 times a week and have a grown up sign their reading record. As a school we use a website called Fiction Express, which holds a library of hundreds of books. The children are able to choose their level of book, read the live chapters each Friday, vote on what they would like to happen next, and quiz themselves on the chapter.
At home please try to explore books by different authors and remember to read a range of styles of text eg fiction, non-fiction, poetry. Below are a number of websites that support children’s reading development by offering free e-books and audiobooks.