01460 72653

School Office

08:30 - 16:00

Mon to Fri

‘Let your light shine’

(Matthew 5:16)

Oak Class

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Welcome to Oak Class: Year​ 5 & 6

Welcome to Oak Class: Year​ Five & Six

Mr Griffiths is the class teacher and he is supported by Miss Clark

What do we do in our class?

In class we have Termly Topics. The topics we are covering this year are: The Slave Trade, Frozen Kingdoms and Britain at War.

Forest school!

During the week beginning 6th March, the children in year 5 and 6 had visits from Mr Donaldson, a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Mr Dunn who runs a Martial Arts School. The children learnt all about their careers and even got to experience an operation! A group of children also took part in a pupil voice conference focusing on careers with the other CISP schools.

In Science, we have been looking at the circulatory system and how blood and the heart work in our bodies. We even tried to make blood in class, but to be honest, it just made us feel a bit ill!

The whole school enjoyed a fantastic trip to Noah’s Ark Farm. We saw lots of amazing animals, stroked goats and had fun on a huge slide!

KS2 performed a brilliant carol service this week for parents to enjoy in the church.

These are some of our pictures we painted for Remembrance Day. We had an Art Day and created our landscape and silhouette pictures in small groups.

Rev Bob came in to visit us and talk about the Bible. He showed us some of the Bibles which were important to him and also brought the Bible they read from in church. We asked lots of questions about his role in the church and how he became a Christian.

Chard Rugby Club came into school to work with our tag rugby team to help them get ready for a festival against other schools. They had great fun learning a new sport and are really looking forward to taking part in the festival. Good luck guys!

In RE, we have learning about Hinduism and the Law of Karma. We played a game called Gyan Chaupar, which is like snakes and ladders, and has consequences for how you behave in life. We then designed our own games based on how we behave at school.


Somerset Cricket Day

We were lucky enough to have a visit from Somerset Cricket in May! The coach lead us for an assembly and a range of different workshops throughout the day! We had such a great day – Thank you to Sean and Somerset Cricket!

Spartan Helmets

As part of our Groundbreaking Greeks topic, we have designed and created Spartan Helmets. We used a variety of materials and methods to bring these realistic looking helmets to life! We also tried out a number of the events from the original Olympics in Ancient Greece!

Easter Pizzas

As a nice end to the Spring Term we made Sweet Pizzas for Easter. We made the dough from scratch, left it to prove for an hour, shaped them and added toppings. These ended up being quite large pizzas – lets hope we shared them!

London Trip – Matilda

We had the opportunity to go and see Matilda the Musical in London! We set off at normal school time on the coach, had a short tour of London led by Mr Batchelor, had a picnic lunch in the theatre, then SHOWTIME! Thank you to those that helped to make this possible and to those that helped. We even managed to sneak in a Burger King on the way home. Thank you – what an incredible day!

Bike Ability 

In March, the instructors from Bike Ability came to Hinton to lead us on a two-day course. It was FREEZING! We spent some time learning about road signs, junctions and signalling, before heading out onto the playground, then to the road! We learnt how to maneuver around traffic, use junctions, signal and how to keep ourselves visible to other road users.

World Book Day 2022

For World Book Day 2022, we cam to school dressed up as our favorite words. we started the day with a Vocabulary Parade, had a number of poetry and book themed activities followed by an online workshop with Michael Rosen!

Oak Class Science Day

During our recent Science day, we created lots of different investigations: we explored Achimedes’ principle to help us understand density of materials; measured our lung capacities by creating our own spirometers; dissected the flower of a lily to explore plant reproduction; and created robotic hands to investigate ligaments and tendons.

Christmas in Oak

Christmas was a very exciting time for us all. With nativities, carol concerts, crafts and activities we had a very busy few weeks… of course very special visitor made time to drop in and see us before his rounds too! Thank you Father Christmas!

Yeovil College STEM Trip

On Friday 19th November, Oak class were lucky enough to be invited to an all expenses paid STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) trip to Yeovil College for the day. With a tour of the college (including the contemporary, recently finished healthcare block and engineering departments); composites workshop, buffet lunch in the Da Vinci restaurant, and afternoon egg drop challenge (from over 10m!), the children had a truly exceptional day! Thank you Yeovil College!

Latest Class Newsletters

Our Topic

This term our termly topic is Groundbreaking Greeks.  This project teaches children about developments and changes over six periods of ancient Greek history, focusing on the city state of Athens in the Classical age, and exploring the lasting legacy of ancient Greece. We try to have a hands-on approach to our topics and will be creating some wonderful home and school projects to support our learning.

We try to get out and about into the local area as much as possible for our learning. This might include finding somewhere peaceful to sit on our filed, exploring the village and local footpaths in Geography (don’t forget your wellies!) or investigating the buildings of the village for our history.

Oak Class homework

Each week the children will be set a small amount of Maths, English and Spelling homework. The homework will be set on a Friday and is due back in on the following Wednesday. This should be completed in their designated homework books.


Please take time to look at the spelling rule for the week and practise the spelling homework linked to this. Spelling will be assessed on Friday and the following week’s homework will be explained afterwards. Below are some websites the children can use in and out of school to practise their spellings further:



Times tables

Year 5 and Year 6

In year 5 and 6 we continue to build our knowledge and practise our times tables as it underpins so much of the maths that we do. On Fridays we have a times table quiz where the children work their way up through increasingly hard levels. We also use TTRockstars, a website which encourages the children to improve their rec​all! We also have a class leader board to display our achievements, this includes teachers too! Oak Class have an excellent team mindset and are often caught coaching one another in ways to improve in their times tables.

Please see Mr Cashmore if your child has any problems logging in.



Reading continues to be one of the most important skills for children to continually practise. Children are asked to read at least 3 times a week and have a grown up sign their reading record. As a school we use a website called Fiction Express, which holds a library of hundreds of books. The children are able to choose their level of book, read the live chapters each Friday, vote on what they would like to happen next, and quiz themselves on the chapter.

At home please try to explore books by different authors and remember to read a range of styles of text eg fiction, non-fiction, poetry. Below are a number of websites that support children’s reading development by offering free e-books and audiobooks.



